Using our Balanced Approach, we are able to work with you to address a specific financial area of concern — retirement planning, cash flow management, estate protection, inheritance, income taxes, education funding, or specific investment types and individual investments — or provide you with a comprehensive financial plan that serves as your map for achieving your financial success.
This flexibility ensures that we provide personalized and customized planning to the right level of compensation and partnership that helps you accomplish the goals that are important to you.
The Balance Investments Five Steps to Success:
1. Where are you today? We will talk with you about your current financial situation and gather any necessary documents.
2. Where would you like to be? Together, we will articulate your personal and financial goals, including timeframes. We will work to understand your comfort level
when it comes to taking financial risks.
3. Can you get there? We will then consider all aspects of your situation to determine what you need to do to meet your goals. Depending on what services you’ve
asked for, we may analyze your assets, liabilities and cash flow, current insurance coverage, investments or tax strategies.
4. How do you get there? We will discuss with you our recommendations, explaining the rationale so you can make informed decisions. At this stage, we will also
listen to any concerns you may have and revise our recommendations if necessary.
5. How do you stay on track? As you work towards your goals, we will partner with you to monitor your progress to make sure you’re staying on track. We will check
in with you on a regular, periodic basis from time to time and you will keep us apprised of any changes to your situation.
Call to us today at (980) 949-1949 or click here to book a convenient time to discuss getting started on your personalized financial plan.